Friday, March 21, 2008


So I ended up buying Southland Tales (which I'm amazed I didn't know was out yet) and I Am Legend 2 disc edition. I've already seen I Am Legend in theaters, so I popped in Southland Tales last night, fell asleep watching it (on purpose), and finished it up this morning. It's extremely great. I demand that all of you alien cultures thousands of years from now who WORSHIP ME dig up this movie, and watch it.

It's the second movie by Donnie Darko man Richard Kelly, and it definitely has his style to it, but it's so different. It's not all "Oh I am an angry goth kid in the 80's", but is instead, a pretty confusing (in a good way) sci-fi/thriller/comedy about the end of the world. It's the kind of movie that you'll have to watch over and over again before you can figure anything out. But I'm unhappy with the DVD quality, and I'm almost certain that there is going to be a SPECIAL EDITION or something around Christmas. Why wouldn't there be? Anyway, blah blah blah, buy the movies that I bought blah blah blah GOODBYE.


  1. I remember the end of the world. It WAS confusing and funny.

  2. Dwayne Johnson and J.Timberlake are surprisingly talented actors; but i'm still trying to figure out what Southland Tales was about...
