Monday, September 15, 2008

Job-a the Hunt

If you don't already know, generic, possibly non-existent reader, I lost my job at Cinemark last Saturday, and on top of that, my laptop blue screened me the following Monday, which reformatting did not fix. I'm currently job searching, as I've found that joblessness doesn't earn enough money to pay for laptop fixing. It also does not pay for gas or food.

So, once I get a job, here's a list of things I want to somehow get/accomplish:

First things first, I need to find out how much it would cost to fix my laptop. If it is quite expensive, I might just sell it for what it's worth, and start scraping money together to get a new computer (maybe one of those nice tablet pcs I keep telling myself I'll eventually get)

Once that's done, I need to redownload whatever I lost in the crash (music, programs, etc.). Thanks to me never having saved up the money to get a bass guitar (not without my Blazer messing up and making me spend most of the earned dough), I've been having the music-making itch for quite a while, so I might make do with FL Studio until I'm able to purchase said instrument. I've been thinking of maybe trying a Rick Johnson Rock and Roll Machine type thing where I basically think up whatever, make it into a song, and do it all on computer, maybe even recording lyrics on a mic (That's right, you might have to suffer my sad attempts at singing).

I also want to get back to animating, so that I could eventually have enough material to have a demo reel to shop around. If I do end up getting a tablet pc instead of fixing my laptop, this would be far more likely. Since I'm as lazy as I am, I'm thinking I could do one of two things for that: Either make really short "one gag" ultrashorttoons or I could do somewhat longer semi-episodic, but less frame-by-frame animation'd things (kinda like Nite Fite).

I'd also like to, at some point, buy a digital camcorder and do some live-action shorts. But this would definitely not happen until I have at least most of the other things above either accomplished, or completely given up on.

I can't really think of anything else at the moment, so I think I'll make a simpler, chronological list for my own sake:

1. Get New Job

2. Fix Laptop/Sell Laptop and Buy Tablet PC

3. Download Lost Files and Programs

4. Try ONCE AGAIN To Make Music With FL Studio

5. Buy Bass Guitar

6. New Animation

7. Live-Action Short Films

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